Map Of Kasugai

Konnichiwa! For those looking to visit Japan, one of the places you cannot miss is Kasugai. This beautiful city is a hidden gem that offers an array of attractions and activities for tourists of all ages. Here’s everything you need to know about Kasugai, from its location to its culture, and everything in between.

Kasugai Location Guide

Kasugai is situated in the Aichi prefecture of Japan. The city is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful parks, and welcoming locals. Kasugai gets its name from a Japanese confectionery called Kasugai Gummies, which is also the most famous souvenir from the region.

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the local culture, you should visit the Doho Park. This park offers visitors a chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery while partaking in traditional Japanese activities such as Kabuki performances and tea ceremonies.

For history buffs, The Yoshida Castle is a must-see. The castle was built in 1505 and is one of the oldest buildings in the city. Here, you can learn more about Japan’s feudal history and marvel at the architectural brilliance of the castle itself.

If nature is more your thing, the Goma Park is definitely worth a visit. It is surrounded by lush greenery and boasts a beautiful bamboo forest that’s perfect for a peaceful stroll.

Another popular attraction among tourists is the Kinuura Fish Market. This market is known for its fresh seafood, which is sourced daily from the local fishing boats. Here, you can taste some of the most delicious sushi and sashimi in Japan.

The best time to visit Kasugai is during the spring season. The cherry blossoms bloom in full glory, and the whole city is covered in a beautiful pink hue. During this time, you can participate in the Cherry Blossom Festival and enjoy the festivities with locals and visitors alike.

When it comes to shopping, Kasugai offers a range of options. The city has a mall called the Mode Gakuen Spiral Towers, which has a variety of different shops and restaurants. You can also check out the Kimono store, where you can find traditional Japanese outfits.

If you’re a food lover, Kasugai will definitely not disappoint. The city’s cuisine is influenced by traditional Japanese dishes with a modern twist. You can try out the famous Kasugai Gummies, which come in a variety of flavors, or indulge in some local delicacies such as Anmitsu and Mitsumame.

Demographics and Culture

Kasugai has a population of around 300,000 people. The majority of the population is Japanese, with a very small percentage of foreigners residing in the city. The city is known for its cultural heritage and traditional customs, which can be observed in the many festivals and ceremonies held throughout the year.

The locals of Kasugai are known for their warm and welcoming nature. They are always happy to assist visitors and provide them with the best experience possible.

Tourist Destinations

Apart from the attractions mentioned above, there are many other tourist destinations in Kasugai worth visiting. The following are a few that you shouldn't miss:

  • The Kakukyu Bessho Onsen: an onsen or hot spring where you can relax and unwind.
  • The Kakuozan Observatory: a beautiful place to get a panoramic view of the city
  • The Hisaya-oodori Park: a beautiful park where you can relax and enjoy the scenery
  • The Kasugai City Museum: where you can learn more about the city’s rich history and culture

Shopping and Culinary

Kasugai is home to some of the best shopping and culinary experiences in Japan. The following are a few places you should definitely check out:

  • The Mode Gakuen Spiral Towers: a mall with a variety of shops and restaurants.
  • The Kasugai Gummy Factory: where you can see how the famous Kasugai Gummies are made.
  • The Kimono store: where you can find and purchase traditional Japanese outfits.
  • The Kinuura Fish Market: where you can taste some of the best sushi and sashimi.
  • The Anmitsu restaurant: where you can enjoy this unique dessert that is exclusive to Kasugai.


To make the most out of your trip to Kasugai, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Learn a few Japanese phrases before you arrive; locals appreciate it when visitors make an effort to speak their language.
  • Carry cash with you at all times, as some small establishments do not accept cards.
  • Respect local customs and traditions; bowing is a common practice in Japan.
  • Avoid talking loudly in public places; Japanese people prefer to keep their voices low in public settings.
  • When visiting an onsen or hot spring, be sure to follow the appropriate etiquette.


1. Is Kasugai a safe place to visit?

Yes, Kasugai is a very safe place to visit. Japan as a whole has a very low crime rate, and the locals are known for their honesty and trustworthiness.

2. Is it acceptable to tip in Kasugai?

No, tipping is not a common practice in Japan. The locals do not expect to be tipped, and some may even refuse it.

3. What is the best time of year to visit Kasugai?

The spring season is the best time to visit Kasugai, when the cherry blossoms bloom in full glory.

4. How do I get around Kasugai?

You can get around Kasugai by taking the subway or bus. Taxis are also available but can be expensive.

5. Can I use my credit card in Kasugai?

Most establishments in Kasugai do not accept credit cards, so it is best to carry cash with you at all times.

So, when are you planning your visit to Kasugai? Get ready to experience the best of traditional Japan and modernity in this beautiful city. Mata ne!

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