Map Of Kant

Welcome to the beautiful country of Kyrgyzstan, where the mountainous terrain and hospitable people will make you feel right at home. One of the most unique places to visit during your time here is the town of Kant.

Kant Location Guide

Kant is located in the Chui Province and is known for its rich history and cultural significance. The town was founded in the 19th century and has an interesting blend of Kyrgyz and Russian influences, which is evident in its architecture and overall vibe.

One of the main attractions in Kant is the Bagysh Abode. This beautiful mosque was built in the early 20th century and is a must-see for anyone interested in Islamic architecture. The mosque features intricate carvings and stunning turquoise domes.

Another popular destination in Kant is the local bazaar. Here you can find a variety of goods, including traditional Kyrgyz clothing, handmade crafts, and fresh produce. The bazaar is also a great place to try some of the local cuisine, such as beshbarmak (a noodle dish with meat and onions).

In addition to its cultural attractions, Kant is also a great place to explore the outdoors. The town is surrounded by beautiful mountains and offers a variety of hiking and trekking options. For those interested in winter sports, Kant is also a popular destination for skiing and snowboarding.

Kyrgyzstan itself is a country with a rich history and unique culture. The majority of the population is ethnic Kyrgyz, who are known for their hospitality and love of traditional music and dance. The country is also home to a significant population of ethnic Uzbeks and Russians.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Kyrgyz culture is the tradition of horseback riding. Horses are an important part of Kyrgyz life and are used for transportation, sport, and even weddings. In fact, there is a long-standing tradition of horse games, where riders compete in events such as Kok-boru (a type of polo) and At Chabysh (horse racing).

If you're interested in exploring more of Kyrgyzstan, there are a variety of destinations throughout the country that are well worth a visit. Some popular options include the stunning Issyk-Kul Lake, the ancient Silk Road city of Osh, and the Chon-Kemin Valley.

When it comes to shopping and culinary experiences in Kyrgyzstan, there are plenty of options to choose from. In addition to the bazaar in Kant, there are also a variety of markets throughout the country where you can find everything from traditional clothing to handmade crafts.

As for culinary experiences, Kyrgyz cuisine is known for its hearty and filling dishes. In addition to beshbarmak, other popular dishes include lagman (a noodle soup with meat and vegetables), samsa (a type of pastry filled with meat and onions), and manti (dumplings filled with meat and vegetables).

When exploring Kyrgyzstan, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to be respectful of local customs and traditions. For example, it's common to remove your shoes when entering someone's home or a mosque.

It's also a good idea to learn a few basic phrases in Kyrgyz or Russian. While many people in Kyrgyzstan do speak English, knowing a few words in the local languages can go a long way in building relationships and showing respect.

Finally, it's important to be aware of the weather conditions when visiting Kyrgyzstan. While the summer months are generally warm and sunny, the winter months can be quite cold and snowy. It's always a good idea to pack layers and prepare for a range of temperatures.


Q: Is Kyrgyzstan safe for tourists?

A: Kyrgyzstan is generally considered safe for tourists, but it's always a good idea to take precautions such as avoiding unlit areas at night and keeping valuable items out of sight.

Q: What is the currency used in Kyrgyzstan?

A: The currency used in Kyrgyzstan is the som.

Q: Do I need a visa to visit Kyrgyzstan?

A: Most visitors to Kyrgyzstan can obtain a visa on arrival at the airport, but it's always a good idea to check with your local embassy to make sure you have all the necessary paperwork.

Thank you for visiting Kant and experiencing the unique culture and natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan. We hope that you have a wonderful time exploring this amazing country!

Kant, Kyrgyzstan Location Guide - kant kyrgyzstan map location guide