Map Of New Orleans Levees
Fifteen years after Hurricane Katrina exposed the New Orleans areas levee system as a system in name only its redesign and reconstruction at a cost of 146 billion is finally almost. Bush looks out the window of air force one 31 august 2005 as he flies over new orleans louisiana surveying the damage left by hurricane katrina.
Levee Breach Map For New Orleans Levee Map Crescent City
May 30 2014 explore details photos and graphics of key structures of the new flood protection system or click on the map below to see an overview.

Map of new orleans levees. Click a territory in the map or list to zoom in to its area on the map. Reuters - Shortly after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005 the city went to work on building a 145 billion system of gates flood walls and levees that would protect it against. The city of new orleans is located in the mississippi river delta on the east and west banks of the mississippi river and south of lake pontchartrainthe city was originally settled on the natural levees or high ground along the river. The New Orleans East Bank Levee System is approximately 176 miles and is made up of Mississippi River Levees MRL and the Hurricane.
Web Map от cfernerDRP. Nov 12 2019 map new orleans levee. The new storm system surrounding New Orleans with its 350 miles of levees flood walls gates and pumps will withstand the storm surge he said. Map new orleans levee.
Click a levee in the map to link directly to its details. New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Map. Explore levees by location using the map or list. The system includes 192 miles of levees and flood walls in New Orleans and neighboring parishes according to the Flood Protection Authority the body that operates it.
For info in the new breaches see New Orleans Area in Trouble from Rita Storm Surge. Levees adjacent to drainage canals or perennial channels are not raised on the river side of the embankment because excess moisture would prevent meaningful compaction of the fill. At least 80 of new orleans was under flood waters on august 31st. Existing homes abutted the land side of the drainage canal levees in New Orleans by the time the Corps of Engineers began analyzing them in the 1960s.
New Orleans Levees Map.
Nowhitemap1 Copy Maps The New Levee System Levee Flood Flood Map
New Orleans 092205 V6 Gif 461 311 Levee New Orleans Weather Hurricane
New Orleans Levee Breaches Part Ii New Orleans Levee Lake Pontchartrain
Map Of Katrina Flood Water Depth And Levee Breaches Hurricane Katrina New Orleans New Orleans Map Levee