Map Of Busia

Kenya is a beautiful country that has been going through a significant transformation in recent years. One of the areas that has seen a lot of development is Busia County, which is located in the western part of the country. Jubilee Development has been focusing on transforming this county, and the results are truly impressive.

Busia County Transformation

The development in Busia County has been focused on improving the lives of the people who live there. One of the most significant improvements has been in the area of infrastructure. Roads have been built and improved, making it easier for people to travel around the county. The development has also brought new businesses to the area, creating jobs and economic opportunities for the people of Busia County.

Another area of development in Busia County has been in education. New schools have been built, and existing schools have been renovated and expanded. This has increased access to education for the people of Busia County, giving them the tools they need to succeed in the global economy.

The health sector in Busia County has also seen significant improvements. Hospitals and clinics have been built and improved, providing better access to healthcare for the people of Busia County. This has had a positive impact on the health outcomes for the people who live in the county.

But the development in Busia County is not only about infrastructure and services. The culture and demographics of the area have also been transformed, making it an even more vibrant and diverse place to live.

Demographics and Culture

Busia County is home to several different tribes, including the Luhya, Luo, and Teso. Each of these tribes has its own language, customs, and traditions, making Busia County a unique and diverse place to live.

The people of Busia County are known for their love of music and dance. Traditional dances like the Luhya Bullfight and the Teso dance are popular throughout the county. Music is also an essential part of the culture, with many talented musicians calling Busia County home.

The food of Busia County is also something to be celebrated. Ugali is a staple food, made from maize flour and served with a variety of stews and soups. Other popular dishes include fish from Lake Victoria and roasted meat.

Tourist Destinations

Busia County has several beautiful and unique places to visit. Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, is located in the county. Visitors can take boat trips on the lake or visit the nearby Kakamega Forest, a rainforest that is home to several species of monkeys and birds.

The Samia Hills, located on the border between Kenya and Uganda, are another popular destination. Visitors can hike through the hills and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

For those interested in history, the Bumula Rock Paintings are a must-see. These ancient paintings, which date back hundreds of years, are located in the Bumula area of Busia County.

Shopping and Culinary

Busia County is a great place to sample the local cuisine and pick up some unique souvenirs. The county is known for its handicrafts, including woven baskets and traditional pottery. Visitors can also purchase locally-produced foods like honey and fruits.

There are several markets throughout Busia County where visitors can buy these items. The Busia Market, located near the border with Uganda, is one of the largest markets in the area.


If you plan to visit Busia County, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to pack comfortable shoes for hiking and walking.
  • Bring a good camera to capture all of the stunning scenery.
  • Be respectful of local customs and traditions.


Q: Is it safe to visit Busia County?

A: Yes, Busia County is generally considered a safe place to visit. However, it's always a good idea to take normal precautions like being aware of your surroundings at all times.

Q: What language is spoken in Busia County?

A: Several languages are spoken in Busia County, including Luhya, Luo, and Teso.

Q: What is the climate like in Busia County?

A: Busia County has a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 32 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

In conclusion, Busia County is a beautiful and rapidly-developing part of Kenya. With its diverse culture, stunning scenery, and unique tourist destinations, it's a must-visit for anyone looking to experience all that Kenya has to offer.

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